We have a simple Social Skills Development Checklist which we
have shared on our website previously. If you answer no to 2 or more of the
following indicators, we advise you to meet with a professional for a more thorough
Does your child do the following:
1) Point to show interest in something?
2) Respond by looking at you when you call his/her name?
3) Seem interested in other children?
4) Bring objects to show you?
5) Look at something across the room when you point to it?
6) Imitate things you do, will making a face?
The above however are just Red Flags. In diagnosing autism,
there are a few factors to remember.
Firstly, autism is a Spectrum Disorder which means that some
children are more severely affected with autism than others.
Secondly, every child with autism is different from each other.
Lastly and most importantly, autism is demonstrated with three
1) An impairment in Social Interaction
2) An impairment in Communication
3) Behaviours, interests or activities that are restricted,
repetitive and stereotyped
If you are concerned, the best is to seek a professional
For more queries, send an email to autismmalaysia@gmail.com
Written by,
Jochebed Isaacs
Director, EAP Malaysia
*Jochebed Isaacs presented a more detailed version of this which included the typical developmental milestones at her talk on Early Detection on Autism at the Gleneagles Conference.