Tuesday 22 May 2012

UKM Students Learn About Autism.

On Monday, the 14th of May 2012, 10 post-graduate students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) came to visit us at Early Autism Project Malaysia. During their one hour visit, our Director, Jochebed Isaacs explained to them autism and the treatment approach implemented at EAP Malaysia.


Below is an encouraging email we received from one student:

Hi Jochebed, 

I attended the visit on Monday to The EAP centre and I would like to thank you for providing useful information to all of the Masters and PHD students. I enjoyed my session watching how therapists help children. These children are indeed beautiful and I hope they would learn and grow to be wonderful adults! 

Pravina Shagar

Thank you Pravina. We're glad you had a good session. Till the next one! 

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