Thursday 14 June 2012

Jerusha's Tip of the Week

I started working with this particular child a month ago and his teachers mentioned that he never wants to participate in any activity introduced to him even if it’s a fun activity.

I have summed up this situation in three parts: 

Behavior: Screaming and not wanting to play any games that the teacher asks to.

Implementation: I took videos of all the games prior to my session with him and showed them to him one by one before asking him to participate. 

Outcome:  He complied better and enjoyed participating in the activities with his teachers and also showed more confidence when playing with his peers.    

What I learnt? Well I never knew that by doing something simple as taking a video, it could make a big difference in this situation. =) Perhaps you could try it with your child too if he or she behaves similarly. 

Written by 
Jerusha Jaffery 
Consultant, EAP Malaysia

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