Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tips for Shadow Aides

As a follow up from our previous blogpost titled "Transition to School", here are a few tips for Shadow aides when assisting their children in adapting to a school environment.

The Situation
A Shadow aide should
Shadow aide should not
Transition time and Kenny does not know what to do after he took off his shoes.
Prompt Kenny to put the shoes back into the rack by pointing or whispering.
Put the shoes back for Kenny because that'll be faster, everybody has left! Shadow also should not give instructions to the child as if the teacher would.
It's worksheet time and children are trying to answer questions on their own worksheet. Macy doesn't know what to do and she looks at the Shadow aide for help.
If the child is asking the Shadow aide questions regarding the worksheet, the shadow should prompt the child to put up his hand to get teacher's attention and ask the teacher on her own.
Answer Macy's question straight away, or help Macy out by writing in the answers. Shadow aides should not correct the Macy's answer as well, but get Macy to check with the teacher.
Remember a Shadow aide should not explain when the teacher is explaining. Instead always get the child to refer to the teacher. *A Shadow aide is NOT a teacher or therapist in that environment!
Its group time and the teacher is giving instructions or explaining what they should do.  Mandy is looking at the picture of a penguin. Mandy loves penguins.
Tap on Mandy's shoulder and point to the teacher to remind Mandy to look at the teacher. A Shadow aide can also use a visual or the teacher's face or a pair of eyes, to remind Mandy to look at teacher.
Simply allow Mandy to continue focusing on a different things or tell Mandy loudly until it disrupts the class.
It's group time and teacher is giving instructions in front of the class. Kenny walks away towards the blocks.
Redirect Kenny back to his group and remind Kenny it's class time using a visual schedule or a rule card. Also  remind Kenny that blocks are for break time. 
It would be better for the teacher to call Kenny’s name. The Shadow aide will only need to redirect Kenny to look at the teacher.
Follow Kenny to the blocks and stay and play, because Kenny will throw a big tantrum if he is not allowed to play the blocks now.
It's snack time!
Get Mandy to sit with a group of kids. The Shadow aide to start interacting with everybody in the group, but at the same time keep bringing it back to Mandy. A Shadow aide can prompt Mandy to share her food with her friends or simply respond to her friends. 
Sit together with Mandy at another corner because Mandy's friends don't really like Mandy because Mandy always gets extra attention from the Shadow aide.
Macy is throwing a tantrum and the teacher is trying to talk to Macy to calm down, which does not follow the behaviour plans we have at home.
Let the teacher handle the situation and jump in if the teacher asks for assistance.

Talk to the teacher later during free time and explain the behaviour plan. Also support the teacher in handling Macy incase of the next meltdown. It is important for a Shadow aide to support the teacher in preventing behaviours such as this
Interupt when the teacher is handling the situation and bring Macy out of the classroom without asking the teacher's consent just because the teacher is not doing things the way we do it.

*The Shadow aide is there in the school to support the child and the teacher as well. It's a learning experience for Macy as well as the teachers. Remember that it is the TEACHER's class!

Mandy is painting very well and follows the teacher's instructions. Mandy is smiling and enjoying herself.
The Shadow aide can move further away from Mandy, and sit away in the corner of the classroom. If Mandy is interacting well with teachers, the Shadow aide can signal to the teacher to let the teacher know he or she is leaving, and then go outside the classroom and peep through the windows, if necessary.
Continue sitting next to Mandy and help Mandy to wash her brush or open paint containers. Get Mandy to do some requesting with the shadow aide using the colours since Mandy loves colours. Ask Mandy to pass up her work because she always forgets that!

*Try to sit back sometimes and wait for a while to see how Mandy would respond in an environment that Mandy is comfortable in, you might be surprised!

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