Friday 30 March 2012

Preparing For School

Preparing children with Autism for school is an intricate process. There are many things that we can do to help our children overcome their challenges and have positive experiences in the school environment. During the process of getting our children ready for school, it is advisable to start looking for the right school. Here are some tips and guidelines that we share with our parents to help them in making that decision.

1. Think about what kind of structure your child needs
2.  Look at websites for possible schools
3.  Look at the size of school and number of children in a class
4.  Physical aspects of school and playground (playground supervision)
5.  Attend school Open Days
6.  Make an appointment to meet the principal to discuss: 

  • Learning goals
  • Behaviour Management policy
  • Homework policy
  • School Shadow policy
  • Knowledge of special needs
  • Experience with children with special needs
  • Learning Support Faculty/ School Counsellor
  • Structure of class

7. Sit in a class to see how structured the teacher is, what language is used and what
level of visual supports are used
8. Visit school at different times of day or on different days
9. Talk to professionals and parents who may have had experience with schools
10. Consider the feasibility of getting to and from school
11. Consider affordability

It may seem slightly overwhelming but remember to take things one step at a time, and if you should have any questions regarding this topic, do send an email to us at

Have a good weekend! 

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