Sunday 22 April 2012

Mom's Autistic Children Inspire Her to Write Book.

April is Autism Awareness Month and one Warren woman hopes that her experiences raising two children with autism can better educate people.
“For my daughter Adrianna, whose presence in my life taught me the peace and beauty of acceptance.”
Those words are the dedication in a book written by Victoria Ferrante, the mother of two teenagers. But her life isn’t exactly typical. Her daughter, Adrianna, has profound autism and her son, Mathew, has Asperger Syndrome, which is an autism spectrum disorder.
The challenges she has faced as a mother inspired her to write her first book “Hope: A Novel.”
“Well actually it was a question my sister-in-law asked me which was, ‘How could anyone do that?’,” Ferrante said.
She said she hopes people can become more empathetic and gain a better understanding of what autism is.
“It’s a neurological disorder like Down syndrome. Kids brains are physically different from those of people who don’t have autism,” Ferrante said.

Taken from The Autism News. 

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