Wednesday 25 April 2012

A Tribute to Our Volunteers

Time is a precious gift and people choose to give their time to many different things. Thankfully for EAP Malaysia, our volunteers have given their time and dedication to helping out in whatever is needed to keep this company running smoothly.
volunteers small

We recognize their efforts and we know we have been blessed and honoured to have a wonderful group of volunteers who believe that early intervention will provide a better quality of life for the children on the Autism spectrum at EAP Malaysia. The ways in which they have contributed may seem small but does make a huge difference. Each of them are constantly encouraging and showing excellence in handling specific needs of the children. They are always keeping the children happy and motivated to learn more. These volunteers never fail to demonstrate their eagerness to help out and cooperative attitude by constantly asking, “Hey is there anything to do?” or “Sure! No problem!” We also have not forgotten the AMAZING job done on the “Toy Box Project”, where volunteers completed the sorting, labeling and arranging of all our toys, within a week! Now, every room has 20 toys available for the children!

Not only that, many other organizational ideas were created by our volunteers such as the ‘gate system’. Our volunteers also help by being a ‘shadow’ to the children and some of them facilitate lunchtime play on behalf of our therapists. The smile on these volunteers’ faces makes every child’s day a happy one!
group volunteers small

Our volunteers (from left to right): Dheepa, Trisha, Haleemath, Cheryl, and Thana. 

On behalf of EAP Malaysia, I would like to thank each one of you for your time, effort and hard work. You have made a huge impact on the lives of these children and in EAP Malaysia as a whole. THANK YOU!

Written by,
Nisha Naomi
Centre Operations Administrator, 
EAP Malaysia

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