Monday 30 April 2012

Walking for Autism on the 28th of April 2012.


The day had finally arrived for our much-publicized Walk for Autism to take place. The EAP team arrived early at Bangkung Park, Bangsar determined to set up the place for a cause close to our hearts. We had over 470 pre-registrations and more came in on the actual day as well. An approximate 300 or more people showed up on the actual day in support of spreading awareness on autism in Malaysia!

The rest of the morning unfolded smoothly as participants lined up to register and then spent awhile milling around the various booths that were available. Children gravitated towards the colorful games booth where they could win handfuls of candy and where clowns gave out funny-shaped balloons.  Next door, faces were painted all sorts of patterns while others took their time to enjoy the Nasi Lemak and sweet cupcakes that were being sold there as well. Participants also contributed towards various fund-raising causes and educated themselves at our Autism Awareness booth. 

We were honored to have Asha Gill as our emcee for the day. She quickly introduced our Director Jochebed Isaacs who then explained what autism is and how to be aware of its signs and symptoms. After that, everyone did a few quick warm-up stretches and together we began our 5km walk around Bangsar. The clowns decided to join in as well, keeping everyone's spirits up as the hot sun beat down on us throughout the walk. In about an hour everyone has gone full circuit and made it back to the park where a Milo truck was giving out free iced-Milo! Participants gulped the refreshing drink down and proceeded back to the main area where Tony Leo and his band performed a few songs for our listening pleasure. Jochebed then gave out appreciation certificates to volunteers from HELP and to the Scouts, and then announced the lucky draw winners for the day.

Some time in between all the games, chatter, singing, and munching, we managed to take a group photo of everyone - although many had left by then. By 11:30am the event had come to a close. As participants were leaving, the EAP team happily packed up the place and thanked God for an amazing day and a successful event which wouldn't have been possible without those who came. 

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If you have read up till this point and are wondering where the photos are, wonder no more! Simply go to our Facebook page and you'll find a growing collection there! Feel free to tag yourselves or your friends if you spot a familiar face in any of them. A news report on this event is in queue as well as a compilation of the day's events on video. Watch this space! 

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