Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Big Day

The Big Day is an important day for children who are being toilet trained. This can only be done once you child can tolerate going in to the toilet area and is also comfortable sitting on the potty.  This should be a positive experience for your child and you.

How do I prepare for the “Big Day”?
  1. Choose a toilet in your house where this is going to be done.
  2. Make sure the toilet as comfortable as possible. Some children may need a baby seat on the potty, some might need a stool for their legs and etc.
  3. Have a box of items that you can use to keep your child occupied while sitting on the toilet. For example books, puzzles, toys, Ipad and etc.
  4. Prepare a “SPECIAL REINFORCER”. This will be the reinforcer that your child will get when he/she successfully urinates in the toilet. Therefore this item must have the highest level reinforcement that your child will be motivated to urinate again to get this “SPECIAL REINFORCER”
  5. Have a timer ready as this will help the child and you to transition from on and off the toilet
  6. Have food that is salty food or any type of food that will make your child thirsty available and also water, juice or milk available for your child to drink.
  7. Have extra rag cloth /mop to clean up in case if there are any accidents
  8. Have a simple data sheet to track you child’s success and urinating pattern

Urinate in toilet
Eg: 9:25

You can finally begin the “Big Day” with your child once you have all this prepared. If you have a social story (recommended for children with special needs ) read it to your child to let him/her know what will be happening throughout the day. If possible have a small area outside the toilet cordoned so that your child is not too far away in case if you need to rush him/her to the toilet. Have some toys on the floor to keep your child occupied.

Once your child is in the area have him bare waist down. The reason why we do this is in case if he starts urinating and he is not on the potty we can quickly catch this and put him/her on the potty. Initially start off by having your child off the potty for 5 minutes and on the potty for 5 minutes. Be sure to use the timer as it will be helpful for you and your child to transition between on and off the potty. Be sure to offer your child liquid and food that will make him/her thirsty frequently.

If at any time your child urinates while he is on the toilet immediately offer him /her the “SPECIAL REINFORCER” . This is so that you child can make the connection that when he/she urinates in the toilet he/she gets the desired “SPECIAL REINFORCER”. Try not to scream or cheer too loudly as this might make them nervous and they might stop.  Once he/she is off the toilet then make a very big deal of their success.  If you catch your child urinating while he/she is off the toilet try as much as you can to carry him/her to sit on the toilet. If he continues urinating even a drop give him the “SPECIAL REINFORCER”. But if there is no urine still make him sit on the toilet for the allocated time.

The time on and off can be changed once your child is successful urinating in the toilet and without any accidents. Aim to have three success on the potty without any accidents. Increase the time off the potty and slowly start decreasing time on the potty. You can start decreasing time on the potty once your child is successful at least 50% of the time.

Do remember parents/caregivers/teachers or whoever that is trying out the “BIG DAY”  that sometimes this may take a day, a couple of days or even a week. I would say try it out for a week,  and if your child is not successful take a break and revisit this maybe in about 2-3 months time. You can always continue with the habitual toilet training again.

Written by
Jessica Ganesha
Consultant, EAP Malaysia

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