Thursday 7 February 2013

Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy

It's always with mixed feelings that we farewell a child from EAP Malaysia. On one hand you feel happy that the child is moving on, but on the other hand you develop genuine love and care for the child making it tough when the time comes to part ways. This week we said goodbye to someone we've worked with for over two and a half years. We are so proud of him and how hard he has worked to learn new skills. His Supervisor and team have been incredible in trying out different strategies and individualizing everything for him. Amidst balloons, songs, cake and tears, we had to say Goodbye and accept that this is after all just a 'Stepping Stone'. 
Personally, he was the first boy I observed and did therapy with, and the reason why I fell in love with my job so much. Within that short frame I spent with him, he taught me more than I taught him. Your smiles, laughter and giggles will always be remembered.
You will be dearly missed and we will never forget the day you said the word, "yellow". 
With love from all at EAP Malaysia.
Waving goodbye to summer vacation. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat poses with children who will be entering first grade on Sunday when the school year starts (photo credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90)
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