Tuesday 26 February 2013

School Preparation - Preparing the School (Part 1)

As you are preparing your child to go to school, the school should also be prepared for your child. But how do we know which is the right school for our child? Below are some guidelines to look for in a school that will be a good match for your child’s needs.
  • Gradual entry - The school allows the child to increase his hours at school at a pace that he is able to cope with. Start slow and then gradually build up successes. Start initially with classes or activities that your child is successful at and enjoys for example snack time, circle time, recess time and etc. 
  • School is willing to accept shadow aides, work together with parents and shadows regarding behaviour management and homework. (Check out role of shadow aides in our upcoming article)
  • Experience with children with special needs
  • It will be beneficial if the classes are smaller in size and a more structured environment.
Communication is a very important tool for the child’s success in school.  Before starting the child in school, parents and any professionals who have been working with the child should update the teacher on his home curriculum and goals. Discuss behavioural strategies for example what has and has not worked at home.  Also discuss with the school what is the most effective way of communication during the school year for example communication book and setting up regular meeting with all professionals working with your child. Share with the teachers also what methods that is used to prepare the child for changes for example social stories.
If your child is receiving extra support at home, say for instance if your child is receiving ABA therapy at home it would be great to invite the teachers working with your child at school to come check out the home programme. This will give the teachers a better picture of what are your child’s strengths and difficulties and how we are trying to generalize skills at school. 
Written by:
Jessica Ganesha,
Supervisor, EAP Malaysia

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