Tuesday 28 May 2013

Putting On Shoes

Teaching our child how to put on shoes may seem like a tough job. Parents and teachers may struggle with the many steps that goes in to helping them get their shoes on. However, by simply breaking down the steps and teaching each part one by one makes teaching a lot easier.

Google Image

What do we need?
  • A Visual
  • A Video Model
  • Shoes
  • A Chair

A visual is a picture diagram with step by step pictures that shows the child what they are supposed to do. In this case, the visual would include step by step pictures of an individual putting on their shoes. Here's an example:

A video model is a short clip of an individual performing a specific skill. In this case, it would be ideal to take a video model of someone that the child is close to putting on their shoes. And with each step the individual will narrate what is going on. Here's an example of an individual teaching someone how to tie their shoe laces:

Taken from YouTube
Shoes are of course required when teaching our child how to put them on. As we are just getting started, simple strap shoes would work well for now and later on when your child is able to put those on independently we can teach him how to tie shoe laces.

Apart from that a chair that is of appropriate height to your child would be required so he can sit comfortably and put on his shoes.

Let's get started!

First we need to identify all the steps that goes in to putting on shoes. Each step is important so it is vital that we get it all down.

Step 1: Pick up shoes
Step 2: Sit down on chair
Step 3: Open the strap
Step 4: Put shoe on the ground
Step 5: Push foot into shoe
Step 6: Push heel of foot into heel of shoe
Step 7: Place foot knee
Step 8: Put on strap of shoe
Step 9: Repeat steps 3 to 8 for left shoe

With all the steps identified, the next part would be to teach our child how to actually do this. The way we do this is through backward chaining. We teach the last step first, then the second to last, the next and so on until we are teaching him the first step and he can do it on his own.
For example, we will do all the steps (1 to 7) for our child and allow him to do the last step of putting on the shoe strap. Initially we will have to fully hand-over-hand prompt him to put on the strap. This is the most intrusive prompt and we aim to fade off this prompt as soon as possible. Once our child is able to put on the shoe strap independently then we aim for the last two steps. Again, we will do all the initial steps for him (1 to 6) and allow our child to do the last two; place his foot on his knee and put the strap on. Once again when our child is successful with those two steps then we go on to introducing the next step in line. We will continue to do this until he reaches the first step and is able to do everything on his own.
Remember to reinforce our child with every success and attempt he makes. Reinforcement plays an important role when teaching our child new skills.
Don't forget to have fun with it!
Written by,
Danya Mathialakan
Supervisor, EAP Malaysia

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