Tuesday 29 May 2012

Guang. A short film on autism.

Quek Shio Chuan is a brilliant producer who isn't just passionate about his work, but is passionate about using his talents for a greater cause. Inspired by his own brother who has autism, he opens our eyes to see and experience a whole new world through his award-winning short film, Guang. 

His winning entry beat 113 submissions for the recent BMW Short films contest in 2011 and you can read more about it here. 

Autism Malaysia is all for providing specialized treatment for children with autism as well as spreading awareness on autism in Malaysia. Knowing that there are other fellow Malaysians such as Shio Chuan who share similar concerns and who are taking action in creative ways, is indeed encouraging for us! It made my day at least!

I hope this film impacts you as much as it did for me. 

Written by,
Sarah Lim 
Media Coordinator, EAP Malaysia 

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