Thursday 31 May 2012

Words Are Simply Not Enough


I joined EAP beginning of last year as an intern. In the space of three months I learned more than I ever did during my schooling days. I was assigned to three kids, and on my first one-to-one session, I must admit I was scared, nervous and slightly intimidated at first, but as the days went by, I could feel my confidence growing and the inner therapist in me coming out.

Fast forward one year and here I am, a lead therapist to three home-based children. When I look back on those three months I spent as an intern, I realize how much knowledge I gained and how far I’ve come. I did not think that one day I would be here, a lead therapist to home-based children.

While many may have difficulty getting up in the morning to go to work, I find my job a privilege and I am motivated enough to wake up each day with a smile on my face as I look forward to the day ahead. I cannot put into words how content I am when working with these children has given me. To see their faces when I enter their homes, to share important moments of growth with them, to feel the joy that they feel, to see progress each day, these are moments that I cherish and wish to never miss. Each child that I have worked with has taught me something; to be patient and have hope, because miracles do happen as long as you believe. And I believe in these children, for they are a true blessing.

As I work and continue to work with these children, I’ve come to realize that every moment counts. Each day spent with them; teaching them, playing with them, it all contributes to every bit of progress they make. Each therapist makes a difference to these children’s’ lives. And as I learn more as a therapist, I also learn how to be a child again; to feel what they feel, to laugh the way they do and to see the world through their eyes.

I am grateful to have this opportunity to work with amazing children and to watch the way they grow. It is rewarding enough to see how happy these children’s parents are with every milestone they achieve.

As I continue to work with EAP, I can only hope to learn more and use that knowledge to further help these children be the best they can be. To all my colleagues and consultants; to you I am grateful, for you have taught me everything I know today and because of you I am where I am now. EAP Malaysia, let’s continue to change and inspire lives.

Written by,
Danya Mathialakan
Lead Therapist, EAP Malaysia

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