Friday 6 July 2012

Communicating Through Video Models

Hello everyone! 

Welcome back to Part 2 of our poster presentation entitled, “Increasing Predictability and Preparing for Changes in Routine are Important for Children with Autism.” 

In the previous blog, we explained how you can use social stories to prepare your child for changes in routines. Below is another strategy on how you can communicate new information to your child,  including changes in routines and the expected behaviours, through video modelling.  

Strategy: Video Models

-       Short video clips to demonstrate desired skills and coping strategies
-       Video clips of actual events to increase understanding and teach tolerance
-       Mention target skills
-       Model expected behaviours towards specific situation
-       Use short and clear language
-       Clear view with minimal distractions (i.e. unnecessary object, sound or people)
-       Exaggerate desired skills
-       Have fun!
-       Teach social games (Hide and seek, Tag, Musical Chairs, etc.)
-       Teach social skills (joining conversation, manners, sharing, turn taking, etc.)
-       Demonstrate advance conversation and communication skills (understanding social cues such as body language, facial expressions, teasing v. sarcasm, etc.)
-       Explaining procedures (taking a bus, boarding a plane, ordering food, etc.)
-       Introducing new environments (new school or house, etc.)

-       Watch video with your child
-       First, role play in familiar environment. Then, role play in target environment.
-       Reinforce child for participation
-       Repetition is important

We hope that you will find the above strategy useful. Don’t just stop after you have watched the video with your child. It’s very important to practice the desired skills with your child too. Practice, practice, practice....and have lots of fun!

Written by
Huey Sien
Senior Consultant, EAP Malaysia

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