Wednesday 18 April 2012

Confessions of a Thankful Therapist


It has been more than a year since I first started working with EAP as an ABA therapist. I initially found it a challenge to handle behaviour issues with the children. Sometimes they might cry during my sessions and never let me carry or play with them. I also had to learn how to communicate with the children’s parents.

It was quite a roller coaster ride having to adjust myself to fit into a working lifestyle. I loved the job but wasn’t expecting it to be challeging and sometimes stressful during the first few months. I’ve had learn to prepare myself psychologically and physically.

I really thank my consultants who frequently gave me positive feedback and showed their support at all times. They motivated me and helped me to improve my skills. I also learnt a lot of therapy skills by obsevering other therapists. They inspired me and the way they interacted with their assigned children was amazing and that encouraged me to improve in the way I handled my assigned children.  

During my time at EAP, I have improved quite a bit. I am now a lead therapist capable of doing way more than I could ever imagine. I did make my fair share of mistakes when I was a line therapist, but I learnt from them and and believe that those lessons have made me who I am today as a lead therapist. I really love my job and the children a lot. It’s always a learning process and I’m still learning. I have been blessed to work with EAP Malaysia.  

Working with these children is definitely the most rewarding thing in my life and the main reason I work here. It’s always great to see them making progress. Every little progress that the children make whether big or small, signifies hope and that’s what drives me to keep working at EAP Malaysia. I celebrate the progress that the children make daily, especially when I see how happy their parent’s are. It is easy for one’s heart to melt when seeing the children’s cute smiles and adorable eyes. I love it most when they can say my name. Nothing makes me happier.

I am also blessed to work with colleagues who never fail to make me laugh. They create such a joyful working environment. Without their teamwork and support I would not have improved as much as I did at my job. EAP Malaysia is a happening place and I really enjoy working with such amazing and creative. I love the work culture here – it feels like we are a family. This wonderful experience has helped me develop so many useful skills. A big thank you EAP Malaysia.

Written by, 
Lead Therapist, EAP Malaysia

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