Wednesday 18 April 2012

EAP Malaysia's Official Launch, 2011.

On the 12th of April 2011, we at EAP Malaysia celebrated the official launch of our center, “STEPPING STONES”.  There was a lot of planning involved prior to the launch itself. Everyone chipped in to make this day a successful event. We had to make sure there were activities planned for the children who were going to be attending, as well as making sure that tents, a sound system, an emcee, and food were organized and prepared as well. It was during this time of planning that we discovered many hidden talents in our staff and therapists EAP Malaysia.

On the day itself we were very excited yet anxious as to how the day would pan out. All of us were dressed in our most beautiful attire and our theme colour for the day was blue.  For the children, there was face painting, tattooing, games, and balloons provided.  Needless to say, the children fully enjoyed these activities!

Our very own therapist cum emcee, Joanna Atkinson welcomed the crowd and got the ball rolling - a welcome speech by our former Director, Brenda Boehm, followed by an entertaining local dance group. One of our clients was invited to share their stories about their journey with EAP Malaysia. It was definitely a  touching moment for us at EAP Malaysia as it reminded us of how significant our job is to a child and a family’s life. There were lots of sniffles that could be heard while those parents were speaking. We also had a short Q&A session for the crowd.

The crowd was then ushered to the most fun part – LUNCH TIME!

After lunch the crowd was given an opportunity to have a tour of our center. We were very happy to show the public our facilities – therapy rooms, toys and materials that are used during therapy.

The event came to an end as the crowd slowly dwindled. It was all smiles amongst us because we knew it had been a succesful launch and we were very pleased. We felt really happy that we now had a center equipped to help children with autism.

Written by, 
Jessica Ganesha
Consultant, EAP Malaysia

Editor's note: Photos from the event were not available for this blog post. Jessica has done a great job in reminding us of the significance of our official launch as we recognize Autism Awareness Month this April. Thank you Jessica. 

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