Wednesday 11 April 2012

EAP Malaysia at the 9th ASEAN Leadership Forum and at the 1st ASEAN Young Leaders Dialogue

In conjunction with the ASEAN Summit, the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) organized the 9th ASEAN Leadership Forum with delegates from all the ASEAN countries as well as representation from numerous embassies.


The conference started off with a Gala Dinner which had the honour of both the Cambodian and Malaysian Prime Ministers. Interestingly, our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib highlighted three main points which ASEAN needs to grow:

1) The Development of Human Capital,
2) To Develop Creativity and Innovation and
3) To Nurture the Younger Generation.

Picture 1

I was invited to present some of my thoughts at the ASEAN Young Leaders’ Dialogue which was on the 6th of April 2012. Amongst many other intellectuals from the 10 ASEAN countries and a representative from the Japan embassy as well, I highlighted my observations that many of the industries concerning investments, trade and finance were represented at the conference with a lack of representation from educators, health care providers, human rights and children’s needs. In addition I observed that billions of dollars were discussed which highlights our region’s wealth and ability to provide better health care, education and social services. 

I brought up my concern for the mental health needs in our country. I explained the statistics of autism and that all our countries lack awareness, resources, research and clinically approved services.

So how can we help each other in this region? Well, here are some suggestions that we could consider in the future at EAP Malaysia:
1) To network with all the ASEAN countries
2) To have collaborative research conducted
3) To share ideas and resources
4) To have an ASEAN Autism Conference


In conclusion, in my opinion, the most powerful thing about a young leader, is the ability to dream, create and innovate without the baggage of disappointment, frustration and jadedness that sometimes years of experience does to the human spirit.

I do hope to see change in the education system and public mental health services in my lifetime.

Written by, 
Jochebed Isaacs
Director, EAP Malaysia

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