Tuesday 17 April 2012

Autism in the News

As the number of children diagnosed with Autism continues to rise, it is crucial to put in more effort to raise awareness on Autism. In the past year, I have noticed increasing coverage on Autism in the media especially in Malaysia. 

I came across an article from The Star in January this year. This article was written by Dr Milton Lum, a member of the board of Medical Defense Malaysia. Dr Lum's article provided a comprehensive overview on Autism. He explained the symptoms of Autism, ways that we can help our children with Autism, and the various studies that have been conducted in an attempt to identify the cause of Autism. As the old saying goes, "Knowledge is Power". Now, having read Dr Lum's article, let us ask ourselves what can we do to make a difference in the lives of children with Autism. 

Even though there seems to be more coverage on Autism in recent years, there are still unfortunately many myths about Autism. As a result, children with Autism and their families are often misunderstood. Dr Tim Johnson (2008) seperated facts from fictions about Autism in this video from ABC News. Take the short quiz below before you watch the video. 

Can you identify the facts from the fictions? 
1. Autism is just an emotional disorder 
2. Autism is an epidemic 
3. Autism cannot be cured 
4. Most people with Autism have exceptional talents 
5. Autistic individuals cannot build social relationships 
6. You should not stop repetitive behaviors 

Check your answers in the following ABC New video:

In the above paragraph, I posed a question, "What can we do to make a difference in the lives of children with Autism?". Throughout my years of working with children with Autism, I have answered many questions related to Autism. One of the most common questions I get is "Why are autistic children so aggressive?" If more people are aware of the nature of Autism, we will understand that the aggression is merely a manifestation of frustration because they are not understood.

Written By, 
Gan Huey Sien, 
Consultant, EAP Malaysia

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