Tuesday 17 April 2012

Christmas 2011 Flashbacks.

The 16th of December 2011 marked a cheerful night out for the staff at EAP Malaysia. 30 of them filled Citrus restaurant, Bangsar with color, carols, and Christmas hats! 

1.Siti   2.Adam, Xin Xin & June  3.Adilah, Nisah & Siti.

The staff had been playing "Guardian Angel" a month prior to the Christmas dinner, and so spent the night revealing who each angel was. 

From left: Yu Ying, Jochebed, Jerusha, Huey Sien, Jessica, Gowri, Nisha, 

Certificates were awarded to various staff members to recognize and appreciate their outstanding performance throughout the year. 

1.Jo & Adam  2.Weng, Thaya & Adam  3.Jon and the carolers  4.June & Michelle 

Everyone had a great time singing as staff were divided into 5 groups to compete with one another in singing Christmas carols. 


It was definitely a good celebration of all that took place in the past year and of the Giving season. Just look at that happy EAP family! 

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